Beyond Positivity: The Power of Self-Belief in Your Fertility Journey
You get a message from a friend. The one that got married last year. The one you know well enough to know she wants children, and she knows a little about your fertility struggles. You’ve not seen her for a while and suddenly, out of the blue, she invites you for...
10 Ways to Prepare for your Next IVF Cycle
IVF is looming. Whether you’ve been here before or it’s the first time it’s emotional. If it’s you going through it, it’s scary. It can feel so final and scientific. All you want to do is feel positive and excited that this is your chance. So what is it that’s...
How to support to someone who’s trying to get pregnant, in the way they need
Here we'll explore, and give practical tips, on how you can support someone who’s going through infertility or loss. If you’re the one going through it, it’ll help you navigate these relationships too. I realised recently that I’ve always grown up with...
From the Gutter to Success – Shifting Infertility Fears to Bolster Self Belief
How Claire went from hating herself and distrusting her body for the miscarriages to achieving her biggest goal – and it wasn’t what she expected Claire came to me when she was a few weeks pregnant. She was scared and anxious, instead of happy and excited....
Get back in the drivers seat of your thoughts and feelings when facing infertility, pregnancy or later
A better way to manage the emotional rollercoaster. Feel stronger and more in control when trying to conceive, or later Many of us have been taught about emotions in an unhelpful way, leading to challenging consequences. In this blog, we’ll explore why this happens...
Fertility rates – What you really need to know today
We live in a world where statistics talk to us about success, progress and failure. When trying to grow your family, it can seem like fertility rates are everywhere. We google them, fertility clinics market them, and we measure ourselves against them. On the one...
Welcome to my Blog! After a long time talking and thinking about this it's finally here and I could not be more excited! There's lots planned and lots to come here. It'll have my stories, research and advice as well as others. There will be guest features from...